Jumpstarting Health: Live Participation
The Jumpstart Program is a two-week program that is proven to prevent, arrest, and even reverse chronic disease, all through teaching a simple, whole-food plant-based way of eating.
Gain knowledge and develop skills to adopt a whole-food, plant-based diet that you can apply in patient care, while earning 10 AMA PRA CME and IBLM MOC credits! Learn more about the Jumpstart Program HERE
To make the Jumpstart Program as accessible as possible, we offer a PAY IT FORWARD pricing model.
Register for an upcoming Jumpstart program HERE
Important notes regarding CME credit:
To qualify for CME credit you need to attend 10 hours of live Jumpstart program sessions, comprising of Days 1, 2, 8, and 15 (required, 8 hours) and two of the one-hour sessions: Orientation, Day 5, Day 12.
If you miss a session, email us at certification@roclifemed.org, and we'll send a link to a future session to meet the requirements.
On day 15 of the program, you will receive a link to a CME questionnaire. If you fulfilled 10 hours of live participation, you may complete the CME questionnaire, and a certificate is sent to your email. If you do not want CME credit, you do not need to fill out the CME questionnaire.
Attendance is taken at each Jumpstart session and RLMI may audit attendance to confirm the required hours were met to qualify for CME credit.